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Filmmaker . Editor.

After the realisation set in that i wasn't going to make it as a professional footballer, (although i'm still holding out), I turned to my other passion, which is film production, and thought I could mix my two loves into one. Thats why I want to go into live sport event filming as a career path. I first discovered my love for creating videos, especially the editing part, in college. The feeling of seeing a project come together and seeing your final production is one of the best feelings going for me. I've made a lot of videos in the past for college/projects, ranging from music videos to short films to video installations. As well as what I've made in the classroom I've also done some work experience in the video production industry helping edit together a new showreel for the company Visualised It. I also helped them on a shoot. I went around shooting footage of a new soft play area that had opened in Magna in Rotherham.

Outside of university work I spend my time mostly at the gym and playing American football. The two go hand in hand. Coming to University a 5"9 65kg guy with no prior contact sport experience I felt I might need to start the gym. In my own time I do like editing things together such as videos from when I went to New York or just trying out different techniques.

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